Topic Post

Hello everyone! Welcome to my page for Culture, Ecology, and Sustainable living. This space will serve as an area where I can explore readings from class and develop my own opinions on these anthropological issues. Upon thinking about the readings that we have done so far, I would like to focus my topic on the area on the environmental effect of consumerism. In America especially, there is a culture attached the products we purchase and the way we view them. Personally, the abundance of “things” we have is an issue that I have always been cognizant of. I want to explore why our culture has become so dependent on materialistic products that overload our landfills. I want to explore how we can recover from this state of mind, and use less without feeling robbed of our rights to a comfortable life. I want to explore other cultures and their view on our lifestyles.This is a pressing environmental issue if we are striving to reduce the amount of waste we send to the landfills and lower greenhouse gas emissions by extending the life cycle of products.


UPDATE: 11/1

My topic has shifted due to a curiosity that I have had about the population decline in Japan. Upon taking this course, I feel more prepared to tackle and understand this issue from the abundance of readings we have done addressing population and culture. I also attribute this interest to my heritage since I am half-Japanese. Since the Japanese culture is extremely fascinating and the decline in population is an added complexity, and I would love to gain an anthropological understanding through this website.
